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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:51 pm
by What'sinaname
stui magpie wrote:everyone has an opinion Lazza, and diverse ones should indeed be welcome.

My point there though was if someone says or does something that you find offensive, but no one else does, does the problem lie with them or with you?
Them. They need to HTFU.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:25 pm
by stui magpie
That's one option.

Another would be to reflect on why something triggers them that wouldn't be considered an issue by other people and try to deal with that.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:12 am
by What'sinaname
^ no, that's what's got us into this mess. We started to try to make everyone happy or satisfy everyone and all we now do is pander to the vocal minority.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:03 pm
by lazzadesilva
My oldest truth that I live by:- You can’t please all the people all the time.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:44 pm
by David

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:53 pm
by What'sinaname
^ It's pay TV. Don't like it, don't pay for it.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 12:15 am
by Presti35
Let's look at the real controversy here.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:53 am
by think positive
What'sinaname wrote:^ no, that's what's got us into this mess. We started to try to make everyone happy or satisfy everyone and all we now do is pander to the vocal minority.
I think Stui actually means the person who is triggered, not the person on the trigger!

Which is a good thing, people seem to get outraged and even they don’t know why they are, not really!

I mean I have a fairly broad sense of humour, often dark, but depending on what’s happening in life, I know I can get ultra sensitive about something. For instance when the Queen died, because I’m English and a royalist I was devastated and none of the jokes were funny to me, yet the prime minister could die and I’d hardly bat an eyelid.

It’s rampant in the US, I’m a member of a few photography pages, people ask questions, or say something and if you disagree they get all offended as ifyou are attacking them! You can’t even say ‘no I don’t that’ without someone saying why are you attacking me!

Like covid! I got unfriended by a so called friend of 35 years because I didn’t agree with his anti everything stance, ,and the lies putout the by protestors! I mean come on, since when could we not have differing opinions!

It’s Halloween, people dress up as evil, bad , scary characters, real or made up! I doubt wether anyone would think Hitler was a good choice, but most people in the world would not have known much about Dalmer if not for the series! I did, the subject fascinates me!

And now the German thing! If he was wearing a nazi uniform I’d agree, but gees check out Oktoberfest, everyone wears that costume he has on!

He Jack Ginnivan people just like to jump on him, no thanks to the umpires treating him differently, I don’t care how beautiful it was of duckwood to take the sick little lad through the banner, or help the disabled fan over the fence, yes that’s beautiful but as a player I will always think of him as a dirty snipingducking cheat! And he was so good he didn’t need to do it, but he got away with it more often that not! Jack has been castrated for far less!

I love you Jack, I even called my naughty sheep Ginnie!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:30 am
by Franco

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:46 am
by lazzadesilva
Franco wrote: I watched the Dahmer series, and I didn’t / don’t have a problem with it being produced and consumed by paying customers. While watching it though I also don’t think I lost sight of the fact that this guy actually committed the terrible crimes that were being portrayed (whether completely accurately or not), and therefore he is not a ‘character’ to idolise / celebrate / mimick etc, just like any other shitbag in human history, of which there are plenty.
I totally agree with you on your comments above. However, I’m not too sure that dressing up in a character outfit is necessarily idolising or celebrating them. For example in melodramas, the baddies are to be despised and disliked, not role models for perfect behaviour. While not wanting to invoke Godwin’s law, I see it as a parody rather than a case of celebrating German atrocities in any way.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:26 pm
by Franco
lazzadesilva wrote:
Franco wrote: I watched the Dahmer series, and I didn’t / don’t have a problem with it being produced and consumed by paying customers. While watching it though I also don’t think I lost sight of the fact that this guy actually committed the terrible crimes that were being portrayed (whether completely accurately or not), and therefore he is not a ‘character’ to idolise / celebrate / mimick etc, just like any other shitbag in human history, of which there are plenty.
I totally agree with you on your comments above. However, I’m not too sure that dressing up in a character outfit is necessarily idolising or celebrating them. For example in melodramas, the baddies are to be despised and disliked, not role models for perfect behaviour. While not wanting to invoke Godwin’s law, I see it as a parody rather than a case of celebrating German atrocities in any way.
I hadn’t actually heard of Godwin’s law prior to today - thanks for the education!

Anyway, I’ve probably said enough on this one. I don’t think Ginni was idolising or celebrating Dahmer either, he probably just chose a figure who is all of sudden very well known due to a mainstream tv series, albeit for all of the wrong reasons. Not a major issue, but I think some better judgement could have been made.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:21 am
by Presti35
This just in...

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:24 am
by Presti35
It's actually amazing to think that this time last year hardly anyone knew who he was. 99.999% of opposition supporters didnt anyway.

And he's still on our rookie list.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:44 pm
by RudeBoy
The real issue for me is the inability of far too many people to accept that it's ok to do things that some people may be offended by. We are in a situation nowadays where we are seemingly forever walking around on eggshells. If trivial things offend you, then learn to deal with them, but don't expect everyone else to change their behaviour, humour, language or dress sense, just to please you. Conflict is part of life.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:17 pm
by David
Agreed. The flipside is that criticism isn’t the same as censorship (just as you’re free to wear what you choose, people are free to say they think it’s in poor taste). What bothers me is when those with power (e.g. employers) respond to those complaints by stepping in to punish people, forcing them to apologise, etc. Admittedly that doesn’t seem to have happened here in any way, so maybe the whole thing is a bit of a beat-up on both sides. But there is recent precedent of that happening with the TikTok video, which really was just as much of a storm in a teacup.

People do have the right to be offended and to express that offence when others step out of whichever boundaries they think constitutes appropriate behaviour. The problem largely arises when they try to force others to conform to those overly narrow boundaries. (And there really is something to be said for minding one’s own business when nobody’s actually being hurt.)