Who are you, really?!

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Who are you, really?!

Post by mel_kay39 »

I know we've done this before but I found some interesting surveys on Facebook. If anyone's bored, feel free to give them a burl so the rest of us can get to know you better. Just cut and paste the questions and answer them as honestly as possible!

Who are You?

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Melissa - Greek for honey bee

Q2: What is your starsign?

Q3: What is your motto in life?
Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Because tomorrow you might be dead.

Q4: Do you like Facebook?

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?
black at the moment

Q7: Are you tall or short?
short - 5' 1" (155cm)

Q8: Are you still at school?

Q9: Do you drive a car?

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?
I like to think so

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
Love blonde jokes. Pretty much all of them.

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Arj Barker and Ben Elton. The latter cos he helped write The Young Ones

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
People who tailgate

Q14: Likes:
My friends, watching movies, footy, writing stories

Q15: Dislikes:
NRL, tele-evangelists

Q16: Favourite Colour

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?
Probably 7

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
I think all pollies should live on the dole and find out what it s like on the other side

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?

Q21: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?
None but paganism is probably closest to my own views

Q22: Some favourites here... drink?
Iced chocolate

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
Lime bacardi breezer

Q25: Movie?
The Hangover

Q26: Actor/Actress?
Johnny Depp/Kate Ritchie

Q27: Song?
Waiting for the End - Linkin Park

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Hopefully Kate Ritchie, but probably Saskia Burmeister

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
John Lennon, Gerard Way, Alexander Skarsgard, my cousin Kylie who died five years ago, my uncle who died in 1993

Q30: Most boring TV Show
Masterchef. Honestly, if I wanted to watch someone cook, I'd go to a Japanese restaurant.

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
Biggest Loser, SYTYCDA

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
Like that'll ever happen

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr - she's a Pie fan and she's pregnant. Plus, you gotta wonder what that gene mix is gonna produce!

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
Brangelina. Just sick and tired of them.

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Shane Warne without a doubt.

Q36: Favourite sport

Q37: Favourite sports person/team
Heath Shaw, Leigh Brown, Darren Jolly... and Collingwood, of course!

Q38: Best body in the AFL
Darren Jolly. Tall, dark and love those shoulders. Yum.

Q39: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Cameron Ling

Q40: Lets say you won lotto... What s the first thing you d do with the money?
Buy an Inner Sanctum membership to Collingwood, take the kids on a holiday.

Q41: What s on your computer desktop?
Eric Northman from True Blood. He can bite me anytime!

Q42: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?
Yes, the 2008 Collingwood team poster

Q43: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q44: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Megan. She's beautiful, and for a totally straight girl like me to say that,
she must be.

Q45: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
Depp without a doubt

Q46: Tarantino or Scorsese?

Q47: Beach or countryside?

Q48: Boxers or Briefs?

Q49: Sing or dance?
I can t do either very well

Q50: Blonde or brunette?
Brunette, usually, but it depends on the guy.

Q51: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?
You're seriously asking me this?!

Q52: AFL or NRL?

Q53: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q54: Coffee or Tea?

Q55: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?
F**kin' Chopper Reed, mate! He's a Collingwood man!

Q56: Monty Python or The Young Ones?
Aw..... what was the middle one? I like both!

Q57: What are you wearing right now?
My pyjamas and dressing gown. It's past my bedtime!

Q58: What are you listening to?
Buffy on in the background. My daughter's right into it atm.

Q59: What are you reading atm?
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

Q60: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
I d rather not know, if its all the same to you

Q61: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Someone who could build a raft and get me off said island.

Q62: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
Paris Hilton

Q63: Do you think you re attractive?

Q64: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Probably Daria. I can be pretty sarcastic when I want to be .

Q65: Do you look like anyone famous?

Q66: If you could look like anyone famous, who would it be?
Megan Gale or Jessica from True Blood. I like the color of her hair.

Q67: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
Nathan Buckley/Kate Ritchie

Q68: What s the first thing you d rescue from a fire at your house?
My children

Q69: Do you have any phobias?

Q70: Do you think this survey is too long?
Not as long as the longest survey ever

Q71: What makes you smile?
my kids, plus my niece, she makes the most amazing faces for an eight month old!

Q72: Who is your best friend?
My partner and my two best friends from high school

Q73: Do you have a worst enemy?
Myself, sometimes. I'm my own worst critic

Q74: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?
Yes - when I saw a shark on the big screen at the cinemas!

Q75: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?
Yes. Just the natural stuff!

Q76: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?
Yes. My partner. But just about everyone has, nowadays, don t they?

Q77: What is your dream occupation?
Bookshop owner/Collingwood physio!

Q78: Do you beleive in God?
Not a Christian God, no.

Q79: Do you believe in fate?
There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

Q80: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Yes and karma

Q81: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?
With any luck

Q82: Sexual orientation
So straight you could draw lines with me!

Q83: What is your biggest turn-on?
dimples, broad shoulders, nice eyes

Q84: What is your biggest turn off?
A hairy back

Q85: Do you like yourself?
Some of the time

Q86:And finally... Are you glad this is over?
Last edited by mel_kay39 on Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Magpie Girl »

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Courtnie - Courtly Or Courteous (I think, well that's what it came up with when I searched it)

Q2: What is your starsign?

Q3: What is your motto in life?
Theynever said it would be easy, they just said ti would be worth it.

Q4: Do you like Facebook?

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?


Q9: Do you drive a car?

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
lots of them!

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Heaps, most standup comedians!

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
Lots of things.

Q14: Likes:
My friends, Footy, having fun.... lots of things

Q15: Dislikes:
Some idiots at school, NRL, lots of things lol :P

Q16: Favourite Colour

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
I hate most politicians, so yep!

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?

Q21: Do you find it strange that America is on the brink of voting in a president with a similiar name to it s most hated nemesis, Osama Bin Laden?
Wow, I never realised that before!

Q22: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?

Q23: Some favourites here... drink?
Chocolate milkshake

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
I think it's a Lychee flavoured breezer or something like that...

Q25: Movie?
heaps of them!

Q26: Actor/Actress?
Joaquin Phoenix / Jennifer Love Hewitt or Hayden Pennettiere (sp?)

Q27: Song?
atm it's.... ummm.... Make it last - Kate Miller-Heidke

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Hayden Penattiere (sp?)

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
Dale Thomas :oops: , Nathan Buckley, My Grandad :( , Jennifer Love Hewitt, Hayden Pennettiere (sp?)

Q30: Most boring TV Show
McLouds (sp?) Daughters

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
Yes - Big Brother :oops: & most others....

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
Are there any left?!?!?! :P

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
Pamela Anderson & whoever her latest f*ck buddy is. :roll:

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Ummm.... there are WAY to many to name just one.

Q36: Should Underbelly be shown in Victoria?
I suppose you should get to see it, it isn't too bad!

Q37: Which TV show has jumped the shark , in your opinion? (e.g gone over the edge into bad taste)
My kid is a star. The latest one on channel 9, it's sh*t.

Q38: Favourite sport

Q39: Favourite sports person/team
Nathan Buckley/Collingwood Football Club

Q40: Best body in the AFL
waaaayyyy to many, but has to be a Collingwood player.

Q41: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Cameron Ling!

Q42: Who do you think will win So You Think You Can Dance?
Don't watch it

Q43: Who do you think will win The Biggest Loser?
Sam or one of the girls!

Q44: Lets say you won lotto... What s the first thing you d do with the money?
Buy a house for the future, travel & give some to mum & dad.

Q45: What s on your computer desktop?
Heath Shaw fixture thingo

Q46: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?
yes.... :oops: - Trainer Bob from TBL, Mattie & Lucas from H&A, Dan O'Connor from Neighbours, Steve Irwin, A Hockey olympic one, A horse one, a Rock Eisteddfod 2006 one & a heap of Collingwod ones.

Q47: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q48: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Megan Gale

Q49: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?

Q50: Tarantino or Scorsese?
ummm..... Yeah, that one.... :oops:

Q51: Beach or countryside?

Q52: Boxers or Briefs?
For me, briefs.

Q53: Sing or dance?
I can atleast dance a bit, well better than I can sing

Q54: Blonde or brunette?

Q55: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?
Miley Cyrus (I love Hannah Montanna - the show :oops: :P ) The olsen twins need to eat something!!!!!!! :?

Q56: AFL or NRL?

Q57: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q58: Coffee or Tea?

Q59: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?

Q60: Monty Python or The Young Ones?
Monty Python!!

Q61: What are you wearing right now?
my school uniform

Q62: What are you listening to?
The biggest loser is on, so I suppose that.

Q63: Have you ever had a near death experience?

Q64: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
Let me know, then I'll be able to say my good byes (I'll need about a year's notice lol).

Q65: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Either my dog, he wouldn't argue with me & would never leave me. Or some big, strong, muscularly man who could get me off there!!!

Q66: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
Paris Hilton

Q67: Do you think you re attractive?
not really, only some of the time.

Q68: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Can't think of any.

Q69: Do you look like anyone famous?
Can't say I do. would be nice though, maybe a little like Hayden Pennittere (sp?)

Q70: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
uhhh.... I've spoken to Simon Black on the phone before... & met 2 of the Olympic hockey players. No one really exciting though...

Q71: What s the first thing you d rescue from a fire at your house?
My birdy Daisy. Or my dog.

Q72: Do you have any phobias?
Lots & lots.

Q73: Do you think this survey is too long?
Probably the longest I've done in a while.

Q74: What makes you smile?
My friends, Collingwood, lost of things

Q75: Who is your best friend?
I have a lot of best friends, all for different reasons, but I love them all to bits & pieces!

Q76: Do you have a worst enemy?
Grrr.... yes....

Q77: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?
Yes - at the end of the WC Semifinal, before extra time.... :oops:

Q78: Have you ever had an eating disorder? Or thought someone you knew did?
No & yes.

Q79: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?

Q80: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?

Q81: What is your dream occupation?
A physio at Collingwood.

Q82: Do you beleive in God?

Q83: Do you believe in fate?

Q84: Do you believe in reincarnation?
not really

Q85: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?
hope so

Q86: Sexual orientation

Q87: What is your biggest turn-on?
Hair, eyes, smile.

Q88: What is your biggest turn off?
lots of facial hair (or as my friend calls it - a Pube beared, you get a lot of that at high school lol :P )

Q89: What would you most like to ask the current prime minister?
Will I ever be able to afford my own house???

Q90: Do you like yourself?

And finally... Are you glad this is over?
Uhhh..... YES! :P
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Post by Miss_Lisey_Molloy »

Who are You?

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Alyssa - Noble kind, of the noble sort (Haha, how stupid!)

Q2: What is your starsign?

Q3: What is your motto in life?
"Have a drink, and shake it off!"

Q4: Do you like Facebook?

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?
5 foot 6, I think it was haha!

Q8: Are you still at school?

Q9: Do you drive a car?

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?
Yes! And I really hope so, coz that's all I got going for me hahaha!

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
"Why did Jesus cross the road?"
"Because he was nailed to the chicken!"

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Umm.. Jim Carrey

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
Poor spelling and grammar

Q14: Likes:
Footy, my hot bitches, partying, singing loudly, drinking, spending time with the family..

Q15: Dislikes:
Other football teams, my ex-boyfriends!, annoying parents at work..

Q16: Favourite Colour

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?
Seven! I love you, Jarrod! :D

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?
Yes.. I'm never moving out, much to their objection haha!

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?
I can be

Q21: Do you find it strange that America is on the brink of voting in a president with a similiar name to it s most hated nemesis, Osama Bin Laden?
Didn't even know haha!

Q22: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?
The Church of Alyssa is Cool! :P

Q23: Some favourites here... drink?
Raspberry and Vodka

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
Raspberry and Vodka

Q25: Movie?
Dirty Dancing

Q26: Actor/Actress?
Wentworth Miller!!

Q27: Song?
My favourite song changes daily haha! At the moment it is between 'Thriller', by Michael Jackson, 'I Just Called To Say I Love You', by Stevie Wonder, and 'Waiting For A Girl Like You', by Foreigner.

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Umm.. Cameron Diaz.. She's crazy like me

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
Keith Urban, Jarrod Molloy, Wentworth Miller, Kylie Minogue, and my Sister who would be just as excited as me to see these people!!

Q30: Most boring TV Show
Umm..that SBS news lady reading the news. She's so bad at it haha!

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
BIG BROTHER!!, My Fair Brady, Miami Ink...

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
No way.. She's living the life baby!

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman.. I hate her to bits, but ever since they got together, my spunky baby has been in every magazine in the world!! :D

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren.. He's a dickhead.. She's an idiot for having a 'bandaid' baby.. You're rich enough, girl.. Leave the loser!

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Jonathan Brown.. We don't need him, Collingwood!!

Q36: Should Underbelly be shown in Victoria?
Not fussed

Q37: Which TV show has jumped the shark, in your opinion? (e.g gone over the edge into bad taste)
Survivor.. Move on, nobody likes it anymore!

Q38: Favourite sport
AFL, baby!!

Q39: Favourite sports person/team
Jarrod Molloy, Collingwood Football Club

Q40: Best body in the AFL
Was Lica

Q41: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Cameron Ling

Q42: Who do you think will win So You Think You Can Dance?
I couldn't tell you one person on the show

Q43: Who do you think will win The Biggest Loser?
See above answer!

Q44: Lets say you won lotto... Whats the first thing you d do with the money?
Buy those three blocks next to each other, up the road, that I adore.. One for me, One for my sister, Belinda, and one for my best bud, Trace!

Q45: Whats on your computer desktop?
A photo taken from my room on Bintan Island

Q46: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?
Haha yep!! Keith Urban, Jarrod Molloy, Wentworth Miller, Dale Thomas, Jared Leto, MCR.. I haven't grown up yet :D

Q47: Some either/or questions... black or white?
Both.. Carn the pies!

Q48: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Hate them both!

Q49: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
Brad Pitt.. only coz he was gorgeous in Thelma & Louise, and hilarious when he was on Friends!

Q50: Tarantino or Scorsese?
They both made lamo movies!

Q51: Beach or countryside?

Q52: Boxers or Briefs?
Not fussed

Q53: Sing or dance?
I would looooooove to be able to sing!

Q54: Blonde or brunette?
Blonde for me.. For him, not fussed

Q55: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?
Definately not the Olsen Shits!

Q56: AFL or NRL?

Q57: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q58: Coffee or Tea?

Q59: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?
They are both losers

Q60: Monty Python or The Young Ones?

Q61: What are you wearing right now?
My pajamas

Q62: What are you listening to?
Somebody Like You, by Keith Urban

Q63: Have you ever had a near death experience?
Yes, I almost drowned a few years ago

Q64: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
I wouldn't want to know

Q65: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Tracey and Kylie.. We would have so much fun reminiscing about fun times!

Q66: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
Jonathan Brown.. so he couldnt be drafted to us!

Q67: Do you think you re attractive?
I can be, if I try to be haha

Q68: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Anyone that Bart Simpson falls in love with :D

Q69: Do you look like anyone famous?
I am famous!! :P

Q70: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
Eddie McGuire.. I've been about a metre away from Arnold Schwarzenegger.. Does that count?

Q71: What s the first thing youd rescue from a fire at your house?
My laptop.. All my photos are on it.. And then Jarrod Bear!

Q72: Do you have any phobias?
Spiders, Needles, Doctors, Snakes, Bugs, Sharks, Clowns, Thunderstorms.. I'm a walking phobia haha

Q73: Do you think this survey is too long?
No.. It's average

Q74: What makes you smile?
Winning footy, my mates, cute comments my nephews make..

Q75: Who is your best friend?
Tracey, and my sister

Q76: Do you have a worst enemy?
Not really

Q77: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?
Yes.. when the spider came into the car...

Q78: Have you ever had an eating disorder? Or thought someone you knew did?

Q79: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?

Q80: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?

Q81: What is your dream occupation?
Being famous for being famous!! :D

Q82: Do you beleive in God?

Q83: Do you believe in fate?

Q84: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Q85: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?

Q86: Sexual orientation
I love hot men!

Q87: What is your biggest turn-on?
Hot hair!! Piercings and sexy tattoos..

Q88: What is your biggest turn off?
Bad hair

Q89: What would you most like to ask the current prime minister?
Why are you such a tool?

Q90: Do you like yourself?
I love myself! :D

And finally... Are you glad this is over?
Shockingly, no!

Love always, Alyssa xoxo
*~Alyssa's Song Of The Moment~*
I See You - Luke Bryan

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Post by Nutmeg »

Who are You?

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Tegan - Celtic doe

Q2: What is your starsign?
Taurus/Gemini (on the cusp)

Q3: What is your motto in life?
Go hard, go home

Q4: Do you like Facebook?

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?
average - 162cm

Q8: Are you still at school?

Q9: Do you drive a car?
No - biking it all the way baby

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?
Of course

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
What's brown and sticky?
A stick

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Ross Noble

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
Mis-spelled signs and people who can't differentiate between 'accept' and 'except'

Q14: Likes:
Sport, food, books, music, politics

Q15: Dislikes:
lazy students, bad parents

Q16: Favourite Colour

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
They do - we need less career politicians however

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?
No thank god

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?

Q21: Do you find it strange that America is on the brink of voting in a president with a similiar name to it s most hated nemesis, Osama Bin Laden?
You reckon McCain and Clinton have no hope?

Q22: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?
Squirrels are the devil's oven mitts

Q23: Some favourites here... drink?
hot chocolate

Q24: Alcholic Drink?

Q25: Movie?
The Pianist

Q26: Actor/Actress?
Daniel Day-Lewis/Judi Dench

Q27: Song?
The Mollusk - Ween

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Hilary Swank (I've recently shaved my head)

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
Michael Palin, Iqbal Masih, Julia Gillard, Maxine McKew

Q30: Most boring TV Show
CSI: Miami

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
in general no, but can't go past Gordon Ramsay

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
Couldn't care less

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
see above

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
see above

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Brendan Fevola

Q36: Should Underbelly be shown in Victoria?

Q37: Which TV show has jumped the shark, in your opinion? (e.g gone over the edge into bad taste)
that moment of truth thing

Q38: Favourite sport
AFL/NRL to watch, Rugby Union to play

Q39: Favourite sports person/team
Pies/Storm - no faves anymore as it is a curse to be my favourite player! (just ask, Tasesa Lavea, Richie Swain, Ryan Lonie, Darren Millane, etc. etc. etc. )

Q40: Best body in the AFL
Nick Dal Santo

Q41: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Adam McPhee

Q42: Who do you think will win So You Think You Can Dance?
Never seen it

Q43: Who do you think will win The Biggest Loser?
As above

Q44: Lets say you won lotto... Whats the first thing you d do with the money?
Sponsor the victorian women's rugby team!

Q45: Whats on your computer desktop?

Q46: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?
Yes - world map, german flag, photos, couple of political things from the New Internationalist, Storm 99 premiers, autograph from Cooper Cronk/Billy Slater/Dallas Johnson

Q47: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q48: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Couldn't give a toss

Q49: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?

Q50: Tarantino or Scorsese?
dunno don't watch many movies

Q51: Beach or countryside?

Q52: Boxers or Briefs?
briefs for me, jockey shorts for him

Q53: Sing or dance?

Q54: Blonde or brunette?

Q55: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?
Don't know who the first one is

Q56: AFL or NRL?

Q57: Chocolate or Vanilla?
Both together with some malt, icecream, caramel..mmmmmmmmm

Q58: Coffee or Tea?

Q59: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?

Q60: Monty Python or The Young Ones?
Love em both!

Q61: What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, hoodie, runners (it seems to be the uniform of choice for the gals on here!)

Q62: What are you listening to?

Q63: Have you ever had a near death experience?

Q64: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
Tell me!

Q65: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
my cat

Q66: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
John Howard

Q67: Do you think you re attractive?

Q68: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Lisa Simpson - I'm an insufferable smarty pants know-it-all

Q69: Do you look like anyone famous?
I look like me - does playing rugby for Oz make me famous?

Q70: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
Dan Carter, Richie McCaw, Brad Thorn, Drew Mitchell, Scott Robertson, Matt Cockbain - rugby union fans will get it!

Q71: What s the first thing youd rescue from a fire at your house?
My piano! (good luck getting it out tho!)

Q72: Do you have any phobias?

Q73: Do you think this survey is too long?
no, just did another one - at least this one is fun!

Q74: What makes you smile?
my friends

Q75: Who is your best friend?
my dad

Q76: Do you have a worst enemy?

Q77: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?

Q78: Have you ever had an eating disorder? Or thought someone you knew did?
No and yes

Q79: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?

Q80: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?

Q81: What is your dream occupation?
music/english teacher......yep aim high teegz!

Q82: Do you beleive in God?
hahahahaha no

Q83: Do you believe in fate?
see above

Q84: Do you believe in reincarnation?
see above

Q85: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?

Q86: Sexual orientation
Straight - despite the penchant for rugby and the shaved head (I did it to raise money ok? $900!)

Q87: What is your biggest turn-on?
Broad shoulders

Q88: What is your biggest turn off?
Barracking for Carlton....or Essendon...or Richmond....or Melbourne

Q89: What would you most like to ask the current prime minister?
Can I have a job?

Q90: Do you like yourself?
Not really

And finally... Are you glad this is over?
yeah kinda

Love always, Alyssa xoxo
Collingwood es bueno para siempre
Ellos saben como jugar el juego....
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Post by sam. »

love always, alyssa? haha.
"I've had enough of having nothing, I won't take just anything. I got my mind set on something, all I want is everything. All I want is everything."
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Post by blacknwhitechic »

Who are You?

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Sally - Princess

Q2: What is your starsign?

Q3: What is your motto in life?
There are only 2 certainties in life, death & taxes.

Q4: Do you like Facebook?
Never looked at it.

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?
Brown / Hazel

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?
medium 168cm

Q8: Are you still at school?

Q9: Do you drive a car?

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
Too many to tell

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Don't really have one

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
Leaving the toilet seat up

Q14: Likes:
Footy, Soccer, Movies, Books, Travelling

Q15: Dislikes:

Q16: Favourite Colour

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
I think they all should have worked in the real world before entering into politics

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?

Q21: Do you find it strange that America is on the brink of voting in a president with a similiar name to it s most hated nemesis, Osama Bin Laden?
Who Cares!

Q22: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?

Q23: Some favourites here... drink?
Chocolate Milkshake

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
Kahlua & Milk

Q25: Movie?
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Q26: Actor/Actress?
Brad Pitt / Sandra Bullock

Q27: Song?
Too many to choose from

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Meg Ryan

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Nathan Buckley, Sandra Bullock, Richard Branson

Q30: Most boring TV Show
Too many to list

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
Some - Gordon Ramsay, Ladette to Lady

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
Probably but I dont' really care

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes followed closely by Posh and Becks.

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Brendan Fevola

Q36: Should Underbelly be shown in Victoria?

Q37: Which TV show has jumped the shark , in your opinion? (e.g gone over the edge into bad taste)
Not sure

Q38: Favourite sport
AFL, Soccer

Q39: Favourite sports person/team
Paul Medhurst / Collingwood / Melbourne Victory

Q40: Best body in the AFL
Too hard to answer :D

Q41: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Cameron Ling

Q42: Who do you think will win So You Think You Can Dance?
Never watched it

Q43: Who do you think will win The Biggest Loser?
Never watched it

Q44: Lets say you won lotto... What s the first thing you d do with the money?
Go on a round the world holiday

Q45: What s on your computer desktop?
Tropical Island picture

Q46: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?

Q47: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q48: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Jennifer Hawkins

Q49: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
Brad Pitt

Q50: Tarantino or Scorsese?

Q51: Beach or countryside?

Q52: Boxers or Briefs?

Q53: Sing or dance?

Q54: Blonde or brunette?

Q55: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?

Q56: AFL or NRL?

Q57: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q58: Coffee or Tea?

Q59: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?
Chopper Reed.

Q60: Monty Python or The Young Ones?

Q61: What are you wearing right now?
work stuff

Q62: What are you listening to?

Q63: Have you ever had a near death experience?

Q64: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
Tell me so I can come up with a way to survive

Q65: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
My husband!

Q66: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
Paris Hilton

Q67: Do you think you re attractive?

Q68: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?

Q69: Do you look like anyone famous?
Meg Ryan

Q70: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
Nathan Buckley/Peter Daicos

Q71: What s the first thing you d rescue from a fire at your house?
My son and husband

Q72: Do you have any phobias?
Sharks / Snakes

Q73: Do you think this survey is too long?
Not to bad, getting me through the rest of the arvo

Q74: What makes you smile?
Too many things

Q75: Who is your best friend?
My husband

Q76: Do you have a worst enemy?
My ex

Q77: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?

Q78: Have you ever had an eating disorder? Or thought someone you knew did?
NO, Yes

Q79: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?
Once only

Q80: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?

Q81: What is your dream occupation?
To work from home (in the pipeline)

Q82: Do you beleive in God?

Q83: Do you believe in fate?

Q84: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not sure

Q85: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?

Q86: Sexual orientation

Q87: What is your biggest turn-on?
Eyes, smile

Q88: What is your biggest turn off?
Beer gut

Q89: What would you most like to ask the current prime minister?
When is he going to take small business seriously

Q90: Do you like yourself?
Some of the time

And finally... Are you glad this is over?
Now I am :lol:
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Post by Wrangler »

So, this hasn't been done for a LONG time... so thought i'd add to it!

Who are You?

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Victoria - Winner - Conquerer

Q2: What is your starsign?

Q3: What is your motto in life?
The pain of discipline is nothing compared to the pain of disappointment

Q4: Do you like Facebook?
Sometimes it can be handy... other times i hate it!

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?
Tall enough I guess... 5ft 7

Q8: Are you still at school?
Last year University

Q9: Do you drive a car?
Sure do!

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?
I have a VERY good sense of humor!

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
Whats Red and Bad for your teeth? A BRICK! hehehe

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Adam Hills

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
Liars, Fakes, Drug Users

Q14: Likes:
Friends, Horse Riding, Country Music, Rodeo's and sports

Q15: Dislikes:
Fakes and Liars, Fords... ummmm tis about it =)

Q16: Favourite Colour
Red, Black and Purple

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
I think they should...

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?
No... but i'm currently sitting in my mothers lounge room

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?
I can be... but its just 'cause i love my country!

Q21: Do you find it strange that America is on the brink of voting in a president with a similiar name to it's most hated nemesis, Osama Bin Laden?
Well its been and done... and it was definetly interesting and something i'd say i'm proud of seeing...

Q22: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?
Blue Sky Cathedral =)

Q23: Some favourites here... drink?
Banana and Mango juice

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
Strongbow Dry please =)

Q25: Movie?
Hmmmmm Pirates

Q26: Actor/Actress?
mostly packed to the rafters and rush kids... they're goood!

Q27: Song?
Mean - Taylor Swift
Favourite Boyfriend - The McClymonts
Hearts on Fire - The McClymonts

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Oh buggered if I know...

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive?)
Jack Perkins, Peter Brock, Susie O'Neill, Laurie Lawrence and Andrew Forest

Q30: Most boring TV Show
Most reality ones

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
Keeping up with the jonses... ADDICTED

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
As if... stupid princess

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
Jess Marias and her on-screen beau... who is her off screen beau as well!

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
Too many to count

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Jamie Whincup, Shane Warne and Josh Thomas

Q36: Should Underbelly be shown in Victoria?
It would help a lot of us understand i think...

Q37: Which TV show has jumped the shark , in your opinion? (e.g gone over the edge into bad taste)
McLeods Daughters just petered out... it was kind of sad how they just didn't bother with it any more 'cause it was a fantastic show!

Q38: Favourite sport
V8 supercars, AFL, Cheerleading and Swimming

Q39: Favourite sports person/team
Jack Perkins/Paul Morris Motorsport
Todd Kelly/Jack Daniels Racing

Q40: Best body in the AFL
Trav Cloke =)

Q41: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Too many to name haha

Q42: Who do you think will win So You Think You Can Dance?
If it was running this year... it'd be this awesome dancer from Victoria called Tessa Fox =)

Q43: Who do you think will win The Biggest Loser?
Don't watch it!

Q44: Lets say you won lotto... What s the first thing you d do with the money?
Depending on how much... Buy mum and popa a new car. Buy me another car (i'm greedy) and demolish and re-build the family home!

Q45: What s on your computer desktop?
Close up of the wheels and pistons on a steam train from back in 2007

Q46: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?
Yes. Wrangler, RM Willams, V8 Supercars ones and a Collingwood One signed by the 2003 team

Q47: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q48: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Megan. She's beautiful, and for a totally straight girl like me to say that,
she must be.

Q49: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
Depp without a doubt

Q50: Tarantino or Scorsese?
Who or Who?

Q51: Beach or countryside?
Country for SURE

Q52: Boxers or Briefs?
Trunks on the man...

Q53: Sing or dance?
more comfortable singing

Q54: Blonde or brunette?
Do i prefer? Brunette... but i'm dating a ranga :-O

Q55: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?

Q56: AFL or NRL?

Q57: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q58: Coffee or Tea?
Hot Chocolate or Chai

Q59: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?
Chopper haha

Q60: Monty Python or The Young Ones?
Monty Python for SHIZ

Q61: What are you wearing right now?
Trackies and the bf's flannie =)

Q62: What are you listening to?
Taylor Swift - Speak Now (new album)

Q63: Have you ever had a near death experience?

Q64: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
I'd rather go peacefully... like my grandpa... not screaming like the passangers in his car! hehe

Q65: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
John Deere (he's my kayak!) hahahahaha

Q66: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
Paris Hilton

Q67: Do you think you re attractive?
Looks... yeah... Body size... not so much... but working on it!

Q68: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Lizzie McQuire

Q69: Do you look like anyone famous?
No way

Q70: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
Depends who you class as famous... Peter Brock, Steph Rice, Grant Hackett, pretty much the whoole aussie swim team...

Q71: What s the first thing you d rescue from a fire at your house?
My kidden Mischa

Q72: Do you have any phobias?

Q73: Do you think this survey is too long?
Not as long as the longest survey ever

Q74: What makes you smile?
my kidden and my man

Q75: Who is your best friend?
All my friends are! But namely Jack, Marlo, Kim, Tim, Jess and Leigh

Q76: Do you have a worst enemy?
Yes... she's baaaaaaaaaaaad

Q77: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?
Not really...

Q78: Have you ever had an eating disorder? Or thought someone you knew did?
No and No

Q79: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?
Hell NO

Q80: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?
My Uncle... and my Grandma did

Q81: What is your dream occupation?
Owning and Managing an Outdoor Recreation/Farm Stay Camp

Q82: Do you beleive in God?

Q83: Do you believe in fate?
Things happen for a reason...

Q84: Do you believe in reincarnation?
very much so... my grandma came back as my cat!

Q85: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?
With any luck

Q86: Sexual orientation

Q87: What is your biggest turn-on?
Smile... its what got me hooked!

Q88: What is your biggest turn off?
Normally being under 6ft... not so this time!

Q89: What would you most like to ask the current prime minister?
If she could take some english lessons... you're speaking is TERRIBLE

Q90: Do you like yourself?
Mostly til i do something dumb

And finally... Are you glad this is over?
****Now i've never had a type 'cause i know what i like some variety now and then... Bad Boys, Good Guys, Tattoo's, Black Ties... Always up for anything!****
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Re: Who are you, really?!

Post by leonmagic »

Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
my name is joel, i'm not sure what it means. presumably something pretty impressive.

Q2: What is your starsign?

Q3: What is your motto in life?
i do not have one yet.

Q4: Do you like Facebook?
not really

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?

Q8: Are you still at school?

Q9: Do you drive a car?

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?
the best

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
what do you call a good-looking lebonese boy?

Q12: Favourite comedian?
ricky gervais

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
cyclists, and many, many other things

Q14: Likes:
looking at my girlfriend when she's naked and touching her

Q15: Dislikes:
getting told off by my girlfriend for 'abusing her body' or some such rubbish

Q16: Favourite Colour

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
do not care

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?
not really but i do like to make fun of most people who aren't like me

Q21: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?

Q22: Some favourites here... drink?

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
james squire

Q25: Movie?
home alone

Q26: Actor/Actress?

Q27: Song?
anything by whitley

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
morgan freeman

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
my girlfriend and four of my best friends. why oh why would i want to spend time with people i don't know? i'd probably hate them

Q30: Most boring TV Show
far too many to list

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
i am not fussed

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
sorry - i have a life and as such, cannot answer this

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
as above

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
james brayshaw

Q36: Favourite sport

Q37: Favourite sports person/team

Q38: Best body in the AFL
what is this, a girls only forum or something??? anyway, luke ball

Q39: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)

Q40: Lets say you won lotto... What s the first thing you d do with the money?
buy a house

Q41: What s on your computer desktop?
standard wallpaper

Q42: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?

Q43: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q44: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?

Q45: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
neither, both homo

Q46: Tarantino or Scorsese?

Q47: Beach or countryside?

Q48: Boxers or Briefs?

Q49: Sing or dance?

Q50: Blonde or brunette?
easilly brunette

Q51: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?
again, what??

Q52: AFL or NRL?

Q53: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q54: Coffee or Tea?

Q55: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?
weird question

Q56: Monty Python or The Young Ones?
monty python

Q57: What are you wearing right now?

Q58: What are you listening to?
work people

Q59: What are you reading atm?
i don't read

Q60: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?

Q61: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
girlfriend. so much pleasuring.

Q62: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
hugh jackman. i'd also like to watch so i can see him slowly die, helplessly. it's ok, he can still dance to himself while he awaits his inevitable death

Q63: Do you think you re attractive?
not really

Q64: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
silly question

Q65: Do you look like anyone famous?
do i think anyone 'famous' looks like me? no

Q66: If you could look like anyone famous, who would it be?

Q67: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?

Q68: What s the first thing you d rescue from a fire at your house?

Q69: Do you have any phobias?

Q70: Do you think this survey is too long?

Q71: What makes you smile?

Q72: Who is your best friend?
my girlfriend

Q73: Do you have a worst enemy?

Q74: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?
massively so

Q75: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?
not since i was young

Q76: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?

Q77: What is your dream occupation?

Q78: Do you beleive in God?

Q79: Do you believe in fate?
sort of

Q80: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Q81: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?

Q82: Sexual orientation
not gay

Q83: What is your biggest turn-on?

Q84: What is your biggest turn off?

Q85: Do you like yourself?

Q86:And finally... Are you glad this is over?
Peter Griffin
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Post by Peter Griffin »


Q1: What is your name and what does it mean?
Jacqueline - 'may God protect' or 'supplanter'

Q2: What is your starsign?
Scorpio to a T

Q3: What is your motto in life?
Why run when you can walk and why walk when you can drive?

Q4: Do you like Facebook?

Q5: What colour eyes do you have?

Q6: What colour hair do you have?

Q7: Are you tall or short?
Average - 167cm

Q8: Are you still at school?

Q9: Do you drive a car?

Q10: Do you think you have a good sense of humour?
Absolutely, I try not to take life or myself too seriously which I think is a problem for a lot of people

Q11: What is your favourite joke?
Anything racist

Q12: Favourite comedian?
Russell Peters/Carl Barron (I love standup!)

Q13: What is your pet peeve?
MANY. Too many to mention. Wasting natural resources, people who over- and mis-use words like "like" and "basically", slow drivers, people who take things too seriously, leggings as pants

Q14: Likes:
Footy, animals, shopping, shoes, my bird, Family Guy, UFC

Q15: Dislikes:
People, waiting, having to repeat myself when I've stated something as clearly and concisely as possible

Q16: Favourite Colour
Yellow to look at, black to wear

Q17: Do you have a lucky number?
4 and 15

Q18: Do you believe all politicians should work for a living?
Isn't that what they do?

Q19: Do you still live with your parents?
No, on my own

Q20: Do you believe you are racist?
Absolutely. Have eyes, will judge.

Q21: Do you find it strange that America is on the brink of voting in a president with a similiar name to it s most hated nemesis, Osama Bin Laden?
On the brink? Uh anyway, no.

Q22: What religion do you subscribe to, if any?
I was baptised so I could get into private school so technically I'm Catholic but really I'm an evolutionist. I completely subscribe to Darwinian theory. At least there's evidence to back it up which is more than we can say for the bible.

Q23: Some favourites here... drink?

Q24: Alcholic Drink?
Pinot Noir and tequila (not really a drinker though)

Q25: Movie?
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Forrest Gump
The Notebook

Q26: Actor/Actress?
William Shatner/Brad Pitt/Leonardo di Caprio
Angelina Jolie/Kiera Knightley

Q27: Song?
Island in the Sun - Weezer
When the War is Over - Cold Chisel
Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits

Q28: If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
I dunno. Myself?

Q29: Name five people you d invite to a dinner party (dead or alive)
Jesus, Hitler, Dita Von Teese, Silvio Berlusconi, Anna Wintour

Q30: Most boring TV Show
CSI:Miami - What's wrong with his head (why is it always cocked to the side?) and the blond chicks accent? And why do all these professionals need the ranga to tell them the answer all the time. If he's so smart, why does he have a team?

Q31: Do you watch reality TV? If so, which programs in particular?
Generally no but I like cooking shows, occassionally watch Survivor and Wipeout (I love the commentary, it cracks me up!)

Q32: Do you think it s about time Paris Hilton got a real job and stopped getting her ugly mug in Who magazine?
Nah, about time she got up the duff like all the other "it's hip to be pregnant" celebs. Uh, no it's not.

Q33: Favourite celebrity couple
Orlando and Miranda - Morando? Orlanda?

Q34: Least favourite celebrity couple
Jennifer Hawkins and Jake Wall - I'm sorry, who are you again? And you're constantly in the news WHY?
Chris Judd and Rebecca Twigley. Blech. Mainly the Twig. She just thinks she's soooo good. :roll:

Q35: Biggest Wanker in sport or entertainment
Brendan Fevola

Q36: Should Underbelly be shown in Victoria?
Why not?

Q37: Which TV show has jumped the shark, in your opinion? (e.g gone over the edge into bad taste)
Most of them - Neighbours? Home and Away? Why are these low bedget pieces of crap still on television? They've clearly run out of ideas. Bold and the Beautiful and Days of Our Lives too.

Q38: Favourite sport
To watch? AFL/NRL and UFC
To play? Go kart racing, table tennis and pool

Q39: Favourite sports person/team
Didak - Pies
Frank "Twinkle Toes" Trigg

Q40: Best body in the AFL
They're all good and similar. I like footy players arms and rugby players legs.. mmmm

Q41: Ugliest head in the AFL (and no, don t say Caroline Wilson, that s a given)
Tooo easy. Cameron Ling.

Q42: Who do you think will win So You Think You Can Dance?
The most popular dancer

Q43: Who do you think will win The Biggest Loser?
The lightest one

Q44: Lets say you won lotto... Whats the first thing you d do with the money?
Buy a super fast car and antagonise the police

Q45: Whats on your computer desktop?
"****** *****" Lawyers (company logo)

Q46: Do you have posters on your bedroom walls? Who of?

Q47: Some either/or questions... black or white?

Q48: Megan Gale or Jennifer Hawkins?
Megan Gale. Bogans are not attractive. Shouldn't this be between two internationally successful models like Megan Gale and Miranda Kerr? Comparing Gale and Hawkins is like comparing chalk and cheese. They're not, never have been and never will be in the same league. Just because they work for department stores means nothing. The fact that Myer needs 3 bogan ambassadors instead of 1 model says a lot.

Q49: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
Brad Pitt but neither are really my type. A bit mousey for my liking (not that I'd say no).

Q50: Tarantino or Scorsese?

Q51: Beach or countryside?

Q52: Boxers or Briefs?
Knickers or panties?

Q53: Sing or dance?

Q54: Blonde or brunette?

Q55: Miley Cyrus or The Olsen Twins?
Olsen Twins because they have style (sometimes)

Q56: AFL or NRL?

Q57: Chocolate or Vanilla?

Q58: Coffee or Tea?

Q59: Angry Anderson or Chopper Reed?
I don't get it. One is an extremely generous humanitarian and ex-band member and the other is an ex-criminal. Why are they even in the same sentence?

Q60: Monty Python or The Young Ones?
Haven't seen either.

Q61: What are you wearing right now?
Black skinny leg pants, light pink frilly top, Wayne Cooper heels, black cardi

Q62: What are you listening to?
Computer fans and tapping

Q63: Have you ever had a near death experience?
Yes, nearly burned alive

Q64: Would you rather: Know the world was about to end, or be left ignorant?
Ignorance is bliss

Q65: Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Preferably someone who is tunny and has enough meat to last me until I'm rescued

Q66: Who do you wish was stranded on a desert island, all on their lonesome, with no hope of escape?
Jennifer Hawkins and anyone else who is famous for no reason and for too long - give me an "L" - give me an "O" - give me an "S" - give me an "E" - give me an "R" - what does that spell?!! Stupid cheerleaders.

Q67: Do you think you re attractive?
From a distance, a bit like a Monet

Q68: If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Peter Griffin - I'm a slob who enjoys laughing at other peoples expense

Q69: Do you look like anyone famous?
No don't think so but I admit I look heaps like someone from the Highlands Estate ad ("I'm a Highlander")

Q70: Who is the most famous person you ve ever met?
Vince Colossimo

Q71: What s the first thing youd rescue from a fire at your house?
My bird and a couple of pairs of expensive shoes

Q72: Do you have any phobias?

Q73: Do you think this survey is too long?

Q74: What makes you smile?
Racial slurs, what some people wear (eg leggings as pants, crocs)

Q75: Who is your best friend?
My brother

Q76: Do you have a worst enemy?
Yes, my ex-best friend hates me for 'stealing' her ex-boyfriend

Q77: Have you ever suffered from: An anxiety attack?

Q78: Have you ever had an eating disorder? Or thought someone you knew did?
To a degree probably, I go through phases with food and can eat like a pig or go without food for ages. I have tried to cause a few eating disorders though.

Q79: Have you ever taken recreatiional drugs?

Q80: Do you know anyone with a mental illness?
Who doesn't have a mental illness?

Q81: What is your dream occupation?
Zoo keeper or designer

Q82: Do you beleive in God?
Hells no

Q83: Do you believe in fate?
Mmmm... Not really.

Q84: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Q85: Do you believe this survey is nearly finished?
I hope so.

Q86: Sexual orientation
Straight as an arrow

Q87: What is your biggest turn-on?
Man smell

Q88: What is your biggest turn off?
Being an Essendon or Brisbane supporter or wearing pink shirts or crocs

Q89: What would you most like to ask the current prime minister?
Can you do something about my tax debt which was caused by H&R Block and who refuse to take full responsibility?

Q90: Do you like yourself?
Not really

And finally... Are you glad this is over?
Yes, I have work to do.
Coles should sponsor Essendon because they're down and staying down!
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