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Post by pietillidie »

Magpietothemax wrote:Or you can decide to question the corporate media, and instead consider an alternative analysis of events which scientifically reflects reality because it draws out the class interests behind the known actions and the propaganda.
Everyone has a choice.
I think you'll find no one reasonably educated thinks that vague, low-resolution Marxian discourse 'scientifically reflects reality'. What the hell are you smoking?

There is ample condemnation here without projecting your own omniscience delusions on the key actors concerned, as if everyone knows and causes every outcome and therefore everything by definition can be controlled. That might be comforting for those with low ambiguity tolerance, but it's not scientific anything and not even reflective of the little we do know about human minds. You don't even seem to notice the contradiction between discussing the construct 'class' even as you attribute perfect cognisance, planning and control, including the doozy 'everyone has a choice'.

Sure, the creep doesn't care for Palestinians, and he was no soubt using Hamas for his own political benefit. He is also clearly ethnocentric and identifies with American imperialism. But it's another step to risk himself being hung in the square for treason when he can get what he wants in so many other ways at no cost to himself.

Far more likely his grandiosity, grandiose goals and a thick padding of lackeys led him to be reckless with other people's lives as he sought to 'win. It's clear from events long before this he's deranged, but not in a self-damaging sort of way. True, people can go mad, but this in line with what we have always known about him: other people's wellbeing is not his concern.

We don't want malignant narcississts leading nations and organisations because they are extremely reckless and delusionally self-confident in pursuit of glory. The last thing a Netanyahu or Trump wants is to be blamed for a massive security failure, contrary to their desire to be recognised as Real Men [TM] blessed with singular greatness. But they do want glory so badly that they can't manage risk rationally.

They then surround themselves with incompetent fawning yes men and essentially build a cult, making the risk of poor decisions and major mishaps even greater. Then, once exposed, they'll do anything to fend off realising their disgrace and banishment, which is what we're seeing with him now. Forget the conspiracy aspect; what we're seeing now is an open-air war crime, while the state of Gaza has long been a humanitarian catastrophe at his hands, while most people despise his lunatic settler cult and now hate him for failing his own nation. Throwing conspiracy into the mix only deters people from coming to that realisation. Your approach is premature and overdone, factually askew and tactically unhelpful.

Many on the left feed off the delusions of grandeur of a Trump or Netanyahu because the patter like to project control, and no doubt get off on people thinking that they really do have control, and the left itself desires a greater sense of control. Whether people agree with him or not is far less important to Netanyahu than them ascribing him great efficacy, confirming his inner delusions of grandeur. That's part of what makes the old left so affirming for these types, and why they go on about the left day and night: no one makes them feel more rational, sophisticated and powerful, and less compulsive and out of control, than the far left. The relationship is in many respects a dependent one.

Meanwhile, Biden is locked into the constraints of American culture and society and all the delusions associated therewith. I will deal with the implications of that in a follow-up post, but old Marxian theory is very confused about the relationship between cultures, social groups, instutions and roles, and individuals; how they interact, how they work in the real everyday world, and how determinative each is and when. In your defence, I don't think anyone really has a great theory of these things, but you seem unaware that you are nowhere near squaring the circle, and how this causes you to default to conspiratorial control.

That you have minimal organisational experience compared to someone like Stui makes that even worse, because you seem oblivious to just how dumb organisations and layers of government agencies and chains of command make people, and why you never reflexively go for conspiracy before checking laziness, carelessness, over-confidence, error, misunderstanding, ignorance, mutual bum-slapping and congratulation, jobs for the boys, arrogance, sheer stupidity, etc.

Ideological bias and selfishness are a human given, but these things play out in really dumb, really limited sub-cultures and organisations, and are carried out by often highly susceptible key people. Hence, my first port of call based on current evidence is that this was a reckless playing with fire to help permanently scupper peace or the two-state agenda, perhaps laced with a cultural chauvinism that underestimated Hamas and over-estimated Israel's famed security apparatus, distracted by careless, callous and clueless giant egos. That could change with more evidence, but it's always wise to play the numbers first. That's not a conspiracy; rather, it's how these things often work, which is why the original sin is in the quality of people elected and hired.

By arbitrarily ascribing agency when and where it suits your doctrine, you are led into conspiracies whereby people have complete and completely unrealistic control. Conspiracy happens, but it's not the go-to; it's something that evolves as evidence is furnished. We all arbitrarily assign agency because it's hard to avoid, but we usually offset it with contradictory acknowledgements and considerable caution. But you just plough on as if oblivious, with nary a hint of caution as if you know, you just know. As I say, it's simply that you don't record when you're wrong that you can sustain this level of omniscience fantasy.

(It's no coincidence you seem unaware that this very problem is the origin of the break between structuralism/modernity and poststructuralism/postmodernity in social theory. In reality, people and organisations, including ourselves and our own, are far messier, flawed and shambolic than we like to admit, which is why no one of any wordly experience buys Marxian thought even if they are not enamoured with the present, which I think you'll find is most of us here. I don't think poststructuralism is the answer, but much of its critique of Marxian grand narrative is just as right today as it was in the 1970s.)
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Post by slangman »

Magpietothemax wrote:
slangman wrote:
Magpietothemax wrote: It started in 1948, not on October 7 2023.
In just over a weeks time billions of people around the world will be celebrating the birth of a Jewish guy born 2023 years ago in Bethlehem (in the West Bank).
I’m not sure why the constant references to 1948.
All i can say to this comment is: educate yourself on modern history.
The most modern history says that Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th and brutally murdered over a thousand people and took many others hostage in the long planned and surprise attack.

Your hatred of Israel is evident by attaching specific parameters to suit your already established opinion.

Is there anything positive that you can say about Israel??
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Post by David »

For all those claiming that the current conflict "began" on October 7, I’d like you to ask yourselves the following questions:

1) What do you know about the Gaza blockade, and the conditions people have lived under there, both in the immediate past and stretching back to 2006?
2) What do you know about the effects of the settlements in the West Bank, and settler violence there both leading up to and occurring since October 7?
3) What impact has the last election in Israel had on all of these matters, and what does it mean for any future two-state solution?
4) For someone living in the occupied territories, what would be a fair and reasonable orientation towards the state of Israel?
5) What would legitimate Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation look like, and which groups if any in Palestine are currently leading that resistance? If you believe in Palestinian independence, how would you view a group like Hamas? How should Israelis today look at groups like Etzel and their role in the formation of the Israeli state?
6) What would a just resolution to this conflict be, and how attainable is it? Is "destroying Hamas" a realistic goal, or will peace require some negotiation with the current administration that runs Gaza?

There’s no need to post any responses to those questions here. But I think they should all be considered deeply.
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Post by stui magpie »

Magpietothemax wrote:
stui magpie wrote:^

That link is rubbish, slanted opinion overlaid on some facts to draw the conclusions they want.

I can't read the actual article in the NY Times as it's paywalled, but here's a better summary by CNN. ... index.html

Note that the document that Israeli Intelligence got and ignored didn't have a date for the attack.

Hamas had spent 12-24 months planning this, using old tech to ensure the intelligence agencies didn't pick it up. They adopted a more conciliatory public face deliberately. ... rce%20said.

Intelligence gathering relies on multiple sources of information and building a picture.

The 40 page plan was inconsistent with all the intel they had about Hamas capability and intent. The public training exercises was also deliberate subterfuge, designed to off foot the intelligence services.

Drawing the conclusion from this information that the Israeli Government knew exactly what was going to happen, when and where and that they deliberately allowed it to happen, is a ludicrous opinion, not a fact.
It is very simple Stui. You can decide to to believe the US government and its servile media, who are partners in genocide with the fascist Netahanyu regime, or you can decide to believe an analysis which takes into account the nature of imperialist foreign policy and the contemporary global crisis of capitalist society.
The choice is yours.
You can believe that the Israeli government was caught unaware by the Hamas attack, because the NY Times and CNN tell you so. That's what Biden and the Israeli government want you to fundamentally believe.
Or you can decide to question the corporate media, and instead consider an alternative analysis of events which scientifically reflects reality because it draws out the class interests behind the known actions and the propaganda.
Everyone has a choice.
You're right, everyone has a choice but educated choices are usually better ones. Ptiddy responded far more eloquently than I can, but let me just add something.

The New York Times broke the story that Isreal had the planning brief for 12 months. That strikes me as good investigative journalism, not "servile media".

While mainstream media in democratic countries will have a degree of Nationalistic bias they are hardly mouthpieces of the Government. They can and do often excoriate Governments for decisions they make. Some lean left, others right but you can generally sort the facts from the bias by reading a few different sources on the same story.

That article you quoted took a piece of factual news from a mainstream media publication and overlayed it with supposition that suited the bias of the publication and came up with conclusions that have zero facts to support them. That's not scientifically reflecting reality, that's publishing a delusion.

I'll stick with news sources that publish facts, thanks.
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Post by stui magpie »

David wrote:For all those claiming that the current conflict "began" on October 7, I’d like you to ask yourselves the following questions:

1) What do you know about the Gaza blockade, and the conditions people have lived under there, both in the immediate past and stretching back to 2006?
2) What do you know about the effects of the settlements in the West Bank, and settler violence there both leading up to and occurring since October 7?
3) What impact has the last election in Israel had on all of these matters, and what does it mean for any future two-state solution?
4) For someone living in the occupied territories, what would be a fair and reasonable orientation towards the state of Israel?
5) What would legitimate Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation look like, and which groups if any in Palestine are currently leading that resistance? If you believe in Palestinian independence, how would you view a group like Hamas? How should Israelis today look at groups like Etzel and their role in the formation of the Israeli state?
6) What would a just resolution to this conflict be, and how attainable is it? Is "destroying Hamas" a realistic goal, or will peace require some negotiation with the current administration that runs Gaza?

There’s no need to post any responses to those questions here. But I think they should all be considered deeply.
My view is that this current conflict began on October 7 with a terrorist attack on civilian population. All the points you raise are valid context as to it's cause. There have been multiple conflicts of this nature since the formation of Israel in 1948, you could probably go back 2000 years to documented conflicts between the Israelite's and the Philistines. Does that mean this current conflict started 2000 years ago?

I see each conflict as separate, having a beginning and an end but in this part of the world at least, a lot of historical context and conditions that you've alluded to that act as triggers and link them together as one onging narrative.

A ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal from Gaza would end this conflict, or battle if you prefer, but all of the conditions that triggered it would remain in place.

On destroying Hamas, how do you destroy an idea? Hamas goal is the complete obliteration of Israel and the death of all the Jews. Kill every member of Hamas, that idea still exists and will resurface with a different name at a different time.

I think the destruction of Hamas military capability is realistic, hence the focus on destroying the tunnel network.

Some form of peaceful solution moving forward must require negotiation, not necessarily with hamas though, and a metric shitpile of money to rebuild some form of proper infrastructure got the Gazan citizens
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Post by pietillidie »

^For me it's both things at once: Israel is at existential risk, which makes people batty and react in unconstrained ways. Meanwhile, malignant narcissists like Netanyahu, who is hated by much of his own country, sniff these opportunies out from a mile away, making the response even less rational because it's all about their immediate glory and obsessions.

For me, the sin here is what was done (lunatic settlements; Nutteryahoo leveraging Hamas for his political convenience; the abandonment of Gaza and leaving of people in misery) and what was not not done (improving conditions and working towards betterment and resolution; addressing past wrongs; building mutual trust) in the relative lull leading up to this moment. It's always too late once people lose their minds under fear and duress, and it's not as if anyone can claim they were unaware that this conflict might flare up. Why TF was everyone sitting on their hands before this?

And I put that on Nutteryahoo, his allies and settler cult, and the fist-waving racist Islamaphobes who voted for him. I don't put that on the half of Israel that won't vote for the ba$tard, just as I don't put Hamas' terrorism on the average Mo Palestinian. And due to wealth and privilege, I most certainly do expect more from Israel's leaders than impoverished, crushed Palestinians, and batshite mental terrorist groups.

You hear insincere nonsense wondering why people don't expect the same from Hamas or Palestinians as they do of Israel, but the very question is idiotic. There are plenty of people we don't expect much of in life, whether be because they're barely subsisting, powerless peasants, living in chaos or pathological mental cases like Netanyahu, Putin and Trump. Plenty of people have extremely limited scope of behaviour, even if for very different reasons. Obviously, though, you don't purposely elect mental cases to lead you, FFS.

I also have no problem blaming Iran and its Russian allies for their role, and American power for its role. But make no mistake, Trump's stench lingers over this because Biden can't risk the fruitcake gaining leverage because he is a loose nuclear bomb that could kill us all if he grabs power again.

But people have to start becoming accountable for their vote for dangerous wreckers like Netanyahu and Trump, surely. That's where the average person's leverage lies and it's no small beans at all because, as I say, the original sin is in the hiring/voting. My favourite way of putting it like this: You wouldn't lend Trump money. You wouldn't trust him with a secret. You wouldn't go into business with him. And you wouldn't leave him alone with your daughter. Then why TF would you vote for him?
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Post by David »

"Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence." – Julian Assange
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Post by swoop42 »

Whether they be Jew or Palestinian I'm on the side of the innocent caught in between the far right Zionism and Muslim extremism.

The PBS Frontline documentary 20 Days In Mariupol will do more to educate you on the horrors facing those in Gaza and Ukraine (and Israel on October 7th) than all the intellectual one-upmanship on display in this thread.
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Post by Magpietothemax »

swoop42 wrote:Whether they be Jew or Palestinian I'm on the side of the innocent caught in between the far right Zionism and Muslim extremism.

The PBS Frontline documentary 20 Days In Mariupol will do more to educate you on the horrors facing those in Gaza and Ukraine (and Israel on October 7th) than all the intellectual one-upmanship on display in this thread.
Necessarily then, you are on the side of the Palestinians, who have died in the ratio of 25 Palestinian civilian killed by the IDF for every 1 Israeli civilian killed by Hamas.
And even then, the violence of the oppressed, intermittent and small scale, is never equivalent to the violence of the oppressor, massive and industrial. There is no moral equivalence either between the violence of an oppressed population and that of the oppressor.

War is hell, that is true. But you don't need a documentary on Mariupol to explain what is happening in Gaza when X and every other social media platform is plastered with short videos/photos revealing to the world the horrors being perpetrated by the IDF in Gaza.
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Post by Magpietothemax »

pietillidie wrote: (It's no coincidence you seem unaware that this very problem is the origin of the break between structuralism/modernity and poststructuralism/postmodernity in social theory. In reality, people and organisations, including ourselves and our own, are far messier, flawed and shambolic than we like to admit, which is why no one of any wordly experience buys Marxian thought even if they are not enamoured with the present, which I think you'll find is most of us here. I don't think poststructuralism is the answer, but much of its critique of Marxian grand narrative is just as right today as it was in the 1970s.)
I am very aware of postmodernism and its close relative post structuralism. Both represent a profound regression in human thought, a reaction to the
Enlightenment, a rejection of the possibility of humanity to cognise reality, the rejection of objective reality itself. Poststructuralism and postmodernism did not "critique" the "grand narrative" of Marxism. Rather, they simply declared that they were "profoundly incredulous towards any "metanarratives " (-Lyotard, the godfather of postmodernism). Post modernists are "incredulous" towards many narratives - to them, any individual's "narrative" is just as valid as anyone else's. This is not intellectual progress - it is intellectual degradation. I can declare tomorrow that I am "profoundly incredulous" towards the "metanarrative of Newtonian dynamics" - but Newtonian dynamics won't care in the slightest, because its validity will remain independently of my incredulity.
I have noted that many of your posts here are permeated with postmodernist terms and phrases.
That is fine, everyone is entitled to their own standpoint. But it is a complete distorsion to claim that postmodernism in any form has "critiqued" Marxism. Postmodernism, by its very nature, cannot critique any kind of scientific thought,
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Post by Magpietothemax »

576,000 people in Gaza are now suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger: ... -continues

Just like Hitler did during the war of annihilation against the Soviet Union, the Israeli government is implementing its own version of starvation as a weapon of genocide.

The IDF is carrying out summary executions of Palestinian civilians in front of their families: ... n-confirms

Again straight from the playbook of Adolf Hitler and the Waffen SS.
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Post by pietillidie »

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Post by pietillidie »

swoop42 wrote:The PBS Frontline documentary 20 Days In Mariupol will do more to educate you on the horrors facing those in Gaza and Ukraine (and Israel on October 7th) than all the intellectual one-upmanship on display in this thread.
That's one-upmanship of the very worst kind: I [Swoop] am so self-evidently superior I'm not going to waste my time either explaining or justifying my view.

Edit: Swoop, if you have a critique, offer an actual critique. If you have questions, ask questions. If it's of no relevance or interest to you, just ignore it.
Last edited by pietillidie on Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by pietillidie »

Sickening coming from a professional military, if not surprising:
The video investigation focuses on the use of 2,000-pound bombs in an area of southern Gaza where Israel had ordered civilians to move for safety. While bombs of that size are used by several Western militaries, munitions experts say they are almost never dropped by U.S. forces in densely populated areas anymore.

Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage. Because of limited satellite imagery and variations in a bomb’s effects, there are likely to have been many cases that were not captured. But the findings reveal that 2,000-pound bombs posed a pervasive threat to civilians seeking safety across south Gaza.

In response to questions about the bomb’s use in south Gaza, an Israeli military spokesman said in a statement to The Times that Israel’s priority was destroying Hamas and “questions of this kind will be looked into at a later stage.” The spokesman also said that the I.D.F. “takes feasible precautions to mitigate civilian harm.” ... ation.html
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Post by Magpietothemax »

The Jerusalem Post has published an Op-Ed calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population into the Sinai Desert.
The media is now publicising and promoting what was always the original plan: ... 44086?s=20
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